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Kandmtech LLC

About us, our internals

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Phone: (443)-919-5458

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Kandmtech, a division of Planck Systems LLC is a privately held company headquartered in Glen Burnie, Maryland USA. It was founded in 2004 to develop high quality Business in a Box™ software.

The Business in a Box™ concept is a design to aid in the rapid deployment of the business's infrastructure to allow a new company to start operating their business right away. The Business in a Box™ suite is also designed not to be desktop bound, but to allow for a mobile office.

At Kandmtech our mission is to aid our clients in building their businesses. We want to be the catalyst for our client's growth.

Since Kandmtech focuses on being the catalyst in our client's business startup and growth, we are actively looking for partners that strategically aid our mission.

If Kandmtech's mission appeals to you, please contact us.