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Kandmtech LLC


OS-Specific Red Bird SFX Installation Notes

System Requirements

The system requirements for Red Bird SFX are listed below:

  • 128 MB RAM minimum
  • 50 MB hard disk space minimum
  • Intel® Pentium or higher (or compatible)
  • Monitor
  • Mouse or other pointing device
  • CD-ROM drive attached to your computer
  • Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (J2SE SDK) 1.4 or higher
  • OS
    • Windows Vista, Windows 2000/XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98/ME, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows Server 2003 x64
    • Macintosh OS X Tiger (10.4 or higher)
    • Linux / Unix / Solaris with GUI

Installing Red Bird SFX Windows

To install Red Bird SFX on Windows:

  1. Close all other running applications before installing Red Bird SFX.
  2. Insert CD; or download the installer redbirdsfx_windows_2_5_0_5.exe. Open the CD or navigate to [windows] folder or folder containing redbirdsfx_windows_2_5_0_5.exe if downloaded.
  3. To begin installation, double-click redbirdsfx_windows_2_5_0_5.exe.
  4. The Introduction screen appears.
  5. Read the information provided. Click Next.
  6. Accept the license agreement when prompted. Click Next.
  7. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want Red Bird SFX installed. Click Next.
  8. On the Choose Shortcut Folder screen you are asked for the locations of shortcut installs.
  9. Click Next to accept the default location or specify another option from the list.
  10. Review the installation options that you have selected. If the options are correct, click Next to begin the installation.
  11. Wait for the progress bar to indicate that the install is complete. Click Finish.

Installing Red Bird SFX Mac

To install Red Bird SFX on Mac:

  1. Close all other running applications before installing Red Bird SFX.
  2. Insert CD; or download the installer redbirdsfx_macos_2_5_0_5.dmg. Open the CD or navigate to [mac] folder or folder containing redbirdsfx_macos_2_5_0_5.dmg if downloaded.
  3. To begin installation, click redbirdsfx_macos_2_5_0_5.dmg. Open the DMG folder and click the Red Bird SFX icon.
  4. The Introduction screen appears.
  5. Read the information provided. Click Next.
  6. Accept the license agreement when prompted. Click Next.
  7. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want Red Bird SFX installed. Click Next.
  8. Review the installation options that you have selected. If the options are correct, click Next to begin the installation.
  9. Wait for the progress bar to indicate that the install is complete. Click Finish.

Installing Red Bird SFX Unix (Linux / Unix / Solaris)

To install Red Bird SFX on Unix (Linux / Unix / Solaris):

  1. Close all other running applications before installing Red Bird SFX.
  2. Insert CD; or download the installer Open the CD or navigate to [unix] folder or folder containing if downloaded.
  3. To start the installation launcher:
    1. Copy to desktop.
    2. Open command line to desktop, and make sure execute permissions (chmod 755 are set on installer.
    3. Enter ./ on the command line.
  4. The Introduction screen appears.
  5. Read the information provided. Click Next.
  6. Accept the license agreement when prompted. Click Next.
  7. Accept the default or enter the directory where you want Red Bird SFX installed. Click Next.
  8. Wait for the progress bar to indicate that the install is complete. Click Finish.

Troubleshooting Your Red Bird SFX Installation

PROBLEM: The main installation program does not launch, or gives you one of the following errors:

On Windows:

The install4j wizard could not find a Java™ Runtime Environment
on your system. Please locate a suitable 32-bit JRE. (minimum version: 1.4) OR No JVM
could be found on your system. Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an
installed 32-bit JDK or JRE or download a JRE from

On Mac:
An internal error occurred (error code: {0}) The environment variable {0}
has to be defined Wrong Parameter Usage File or directory {0} not found or empty
The JVM could not be started. The main method may have thrown an exception. The JVM
found at {0} is damaged. Please reinstall or define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an
installed JDK or JRE. The {0} envionment variable does not point to a working JDK or
JRE. The JVM found in your path is damaged. Please reinstall or define
EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an installed JDK or JRE. No JVM could be found on
your system. Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an installed JDK or JRE or
download a JRE from

On Unix (Linux / Unix / Solaris):
No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be
found on your system. The version of the JVM must be at least 1.4. Please define
INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM. You can also try to delete the JVM
cache file /home/user/.install4j

DESCRIPTION: The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is not installed or can not be found by installer or the JVM is not 1.4 (or higher).

SOLUTION: This error is because the Red Bird SFX requires a JVM version of at minimum 1.4 (or higher). The Installer or Red Bird SFX can not find the JVM or it is not installed. If the required JVM is NOT installed, please install it and run again. If the required JVM is installed, define the environment variable to point to the JVM installed location.

Java 2 SE 5.0 Release 1 for Mac OS X can be found at:
Java 2 SE 5.0 for all other OS can be found at: